Squeaky Clean: Wine Cleaning Brushes

Now that the holiday parties have passed, and I have at least a few months until the next big bash (St. Patrick’s Day), it’s time to clean up the mess in order to start the New Year fresh. But what about this huge pile of dirty stemware? Exactly how many toasts did I make this year?

Since the pile of glassware is not magically going to clean itself, and the glasses are much too precious for me to dump in the dishwasher, I am going to have to wash them by hand. Believe it or not, I used to break glasses more often during washing then drinking! That’s a huge problem, since the whole process of washing is supposed to gradually reduce your workload, while breaking just causes even more cleanup. To combat this glass-breaking battle, I invested ~$10 into this cool little sponge gadget and – I kid you not – have not broken a glass (while washing it) since!

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